When will I be able to see my first timetable?
Do all students get a personal timetable?
Most students at King’s will be issued with a personal timetable and can also access their programme timetable.
However, some students within particular faculties won't have a personal timetable and should instead refer to the programme timetable.
Important to know: If you’re studying in the Faculty of Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences (FoDOCS) and in years 4 - 5 of your course or undertaking postgraduate taught study, you can access your programme timetable through KEATS.
What's the difference between a personal timetable and a programme timetable?
A personal timetable will have details of the classes to which you are allocated and should attend.
How can I view my personal timetable?
You'll be able to view your personal timetable via My Timetable shortly before the start of term. You'll need to use your King's ID (e.g k1234567@kcl.ac.uk) and email password to log in.
You'll be issued a personal timetable before teaching starts, but whilst staff are still allocating students to classes at the very start of the academic year, you can use the 'Find timetable' function on the left menu in My Timetable to check when classes are running.
If you choose to save your view from 'Find timetable', you can remove the class later by using the 'Reset' option found via the 'Profile' button on the left menu. You should do this when you've been issued with your personal timetable.
I'm having issues logging in, what should I do?
If you are unable to log in using your credentials, please contact the IT Helpdesk by email or by phone on 020 7848 8888.
You might also want to try our article I’m having issues with my timetable as it may help with a difficulty you're experiencing.
I have a question about my timetable
Should you have any further queries about your timetable arrangements please contact your department.
I'm studying for the Associateship of King's College (AKC) or studying a language with the Language Centre - How can I access my timetable?
Your timetable will be available to view online by logging into My Timetable using your K number and password.
How can I view my programme timetable?
- Once you’ve completed enrolment, you’ll be able to access your timetable by logging into My Timetable.
- Select the ‘Find Timetable’ view
- You’ll then be able to see the following options:
- Select ‘Programme’ to view all the timetabled activities for a particular programme
- Select ‘Module’ to view the scheduled classes for a particular module
Where modules have more than one seminar group, your personal timetable will indicate which group you have been assigned to.
If you choose to save your view from 'Find Timetable', you can remove the classes again later by using the ‘Reset’ option found via the ‘Profile’ button on the left menu.
Important to know: Please ensure you reset your view once you have been issued with your own personal timetable.
For guidance in using our timetables, check out our guide Find timetable: User guidance for students.
I’m applying to study at King’s; can I see a sample timetable once I’ve submitted my application?
Unfortunately, we don't provide sample timetables as they are subject to change every academic year.
If you'd like more information about what a typical timetable might look like, you can get in touch with the department/faculty for your chosen programme.