If your address changes while you're at King's, then please make sure you update it on your student record as soon as possible. Your address will appear on documents produced for you, so it's important to make sure the details are correct and complete. Banks, for example, will not accept documentation that has an incomplete address.

To update your address:

You will need to use Student Records.
  1. Log in to Student Records.
  2. Once you’ve logged in, from the homepage navigate to the heading 'My Personal Details'.
  3. You will see you have two sections for addresses stored, called 'View and Edit my home address' and 'View and Edit my term-time address'.
    • Your home address can be any address you consider to be your permanent residence. This could be an address outside the UK, if this is your permanent residence.
    • Your term-time address will be the place you live while you are studying. This is normally your London address. Most students studying full-time or part-time live in the UK during term-time, so this is where you should provide your UK address. The exception to this is if you are a distance learning student, and as such you don't attend in-person.
      • If you are studying remotely and doing so outside the UK, simply use the address where you are currently living at as your term-time address; this may be the same as your home address.
  4. Choose the address you would like to update and click on the 'Edit' link to amend the address.
  5. After amending the address, click 'Store'.

You can also follow these steps to update your personal email address.

Important to know:

  • Your addresses on record will appear on any letters we produce for you, so it's important to ensure your addresses are complete and up-to-date, as you may need these letters to apply for Council Tax Exemption or for a bank account, and these organisations will look at your addresses.
  • If you move during the year or the following academic year, please ensure you update your address on record as soon as possible. It is your responsibility to update this.
  • When selecting the country for your term-time address, please select 'England' if you are entering a London address. ‘United Kingdom’ does not appear on this list.
  • If there is a line showing your home country that you are unable to edit, please don't worry. This is a technical glitch and does not appear anywhere else.
  • UK postcodes feature a mixture of letters and numbers and will usually have between 5 to 6 characters. The characters are separated in the middle, so it might appear as ‘E1 2AB’ or ‘E12 3AB’.
  • If you have a room number, block number, house number and/or flat number then please include all of these. Similarly, if your halls of residence or building has a name, please also include it.
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