If you need PAA and you're a disabled student, please visit Student Records to register with Disability Support & Inclusion for your PAA. Our article What arrangements are generally made for students with Personalised Assessment Arrangements (PAA)? includes examples of arrangements that are made for PAA.

If you need PAA for a one-off or short term reason (for example, pregnancy, injury, hospitalisation etc.), have a look at our article I'm not disabled, can I apply for Personalised Assessment Arrangements (PAA)?

Important to know:

If you need a neurodiversity assessment coversheet before an assessment period starts, you must apply a minimum of 4 weeks before submission.


What evidence do I need to provide when applying for PAA?



When should I apply for PAA?


Should I submit my application for PAA if I don't have the right supporting evidence to apply?


What if I have an exam or assessment in the near future?


What happens if my PAA are approved too late for an exam?


After you've applied for PAA