There are a range of funding options available for you to access while studying. To l​​​​​​earn what is on offer from King's, you can search our funding database or read our article What loans, grants or scholarships can I get from King's? 
However, you may also be interested in exploring external funding opportunities in the form of scholarships, bursaries or grants:
  • Scholarships are available based on academic achievement. They often come from your university and can include covering your tuition fees and living costs.
  • Bursaries are available based on your personal circumstances, such as coming from a low-income family or having a disability. They often come from your university and usually help with living costs. 
  • Grants are available based on your personal circumstances, such as coming from a low-income family. They often come from Trusts or Charities and will usually help toward living costs.

The following organisations allow you search for scholarships, bursaries and grants based on your profile and the course you are on. 


Blackbullion is a student money management space. Once registered, you can filter their search engine to search for funding opportunities relevant to your circumstances. 

Their article on scholarships, bursaries and grants provides a good overview and includes lots of helpful tips on how and when to apply. 

The Scholarship Hub 

The Scholarship Hub has a comprehensive search engine for scholarships. You can filter the search engine to ensure it is relevant for your circumstances. 


Turn2us grant finder offers a search engine for grants are designed to offer support to students with specific backgrounds. For example, students who come from a low-income family, have experienced domestic abuse or have a disability, may be eligible for specific grants.

Important to know: King's does not endorse any of these search engines, or the results found. 


I'm a prospective student, what is available for me?



I'm a postgraduate student, what is available for me?



I'm an international student, what is available for me?