Welcome to the Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy (SSPP). The Faculty is led by the Executive Dean, Professor Linda McKie, who provides leadership and strategic direction for SSPP, supported by the Vice-Deans, Heads of School/Department, Faculty Leads, and Professional Services staff. SSPP forms one of the largest UK university groupings focusing on policy-orientated research in a multi-disciplinary environment.

This SSPP section of Student Services Online (SSO) is designed to provide you with information about the Faculty and contains essential information to help you with your studies and your university experience. It should be used in conjunction with:
  • the Department-level handbook which contains information specific to your area, such as marking criteria, personal tutors, exams and assessments and is available on KEATS
  • guidance outlined in the Faculty-Level Postgraduate Research Student Handbook (for research degree students), available on KEATS.
This SSPP section on SSO as well as Department handbooks on KEATS, contain useful and important information about Faculty and university-wide services and procedures. University enrolment and induction information for new students is available from the Welcome to King's webpages.

We hope that your experience with us will be both challenging and rewarding and wish you an enjoyable and successful time at King’s.