Important to know: If you are studying on a Student visa you must consider the implications for your visa if you decide to interrupt. For this please read Visa implications of interrupting.

In this article we address the financial implications of taking an interruption in your studies, for more guidance about other things you may need to consider before interrupting, such as your Student visa, housing, council tax and access to support, please refer to:

We recommend talking your decision to interrupt through with your personal tutor. You may also wish to seek advice from the Money & Housing Advice Service in relation to your funding.





If I interrupt before the end of the academic year, will I still pay the full years’ tuition fees?



I am responsible for paying my own fees and have paid in advance. Can I expect a refund?



Student Finance paid my tuition fees direct to King’s - what if they have paid King’s too much?



Student Finance helped with my living costs too - will interrupting impact on maintenance support?



I thought that loans were only repayable once I graduated and earned over the threshold amount for my repayment plan?



I receive an NHS Bursary, will they also make a request for money back if I interrupt mid-year?



I have spent all my maintenance funding. What should I do if I cannot repay it all immediately?



I still have rent and bills to pay but I am too ill to work, how will I manage without student finance?





If I interrupt before the end of the academic year, will I still pay the full years’ tuition fees?



What if I have paid too much? Can I expect a refund?



If I interrupt, do I have to repay the Postgraduate Loan back to my funding body?



I thought my Loans were only repayable once I started working and earning over the £21,000 threshold? 



I've been awarded a scholarship/bursary. What happens to that funding if I interrupt?